On this week’s Sustainability Now!, your host, Justin Mog, continues a series of interviews with Kentuckians who have served abroad in the U.S. Peace Corps. Will & Amy Glasscock served together in Indonesia from 2012-2014. Will is from Winchester and Amy is from Berea, but they met working in Congressman Ben Chandler's office in DC. When they got engaged, Peace Corps was part of the plan for breaking from DC and eventually returning home to Kentucky. They now live in Lexington.
Learn more about the International Book Project: http://intlbookproject.org
And check out the blog Will & Amy kept during Peace Corps: https://twocupsofjava.wordpress.com/

To learn more about the U.S. role in Indonesia during the Cold War, explore Vincent Bevins’ book, The Jakarta Method: https://www.publicaffairsbooks.com/titles/vincent-bevins/the-jakarta-method/9781541724013/

As always, our feature is followed by your community action calendar for the week, so get your calendars out and get ready to take action for sustainability NOW!

Sustainability Now! airs on FORward Radio, 106.5fm, WFMP-LP Louisville, every Monday at 6pm and repeats Tuesdays at 12am and 10am. Find us at http://forwardradio.org

The music in this podcast is courtesy of the local band Appalatin and is used by permission. Explore their delightful music at http://appalatin.com