This week on Sustainability Now!, your host, Justin Mog, primes your summer reading pump with a special guest author joining us from Harrisburg, PA. Former environmental and fossil fuels attorney, Joel Burcat, is one of America’s most well-respected environmental litigation lawyers, and the award-winning author of 'Amid Rage,' just out in February from Headline Books. The novel takes place in the heart of Pennsylvania’s extraction industry. Burcat has completed five novels, three of which are environmental legal thrillers, DRINK TO EVERY BEAST, AMID RAGE, and STRANGE FIRE. You can visit him online at
And you can get an autographed copy of the book through the independent Harrisburg seller Midtown Scholar Bookstore at

As always, our feature is followed by your community action calendar for the week, so get your calendars out and get ready to take action for sustainability NOW!

Sustainability Now! airs on Forward Radio, 106.5fm, WFMP-LP Louisville, every Monday at 6pm and repeats Tuesdays at 12am and 10am. Find us at

The music in this podcast is courtesy of the local band Appalatin and is used by permission. Explore their delightful music at