This week on Sustainability Now!, your host, Justin Mog, discusses the need for culture change with Eloisa Lewis, a climate scientist and founder of the think tank New Climate Culture ( Eloisa has spent the past decade living in urban centers, on farms, homesteads, artist residencies, eco-villages, communes, schools, tiny houses, squats, and tents to help communities become more resilient and resistant to disasters through education.

She travels the world teaching communities about the symbiotic built environment and how to rebuild their internal and external structures to be regenerative environments that boost biodiversity and are resilient to disasters. Learn more about Eloisa at

Read her response to Politico's inquiry about what sustainability means:

As always, our feature is followed by your community action calendar for the week, so get your calendars out and get ready to take action for sustainability NOW!

Sustainability Now! is hosted by Dr. Justin Mog and airs on Forward Radio, 106.5fm, WFMP-LP Louisville, every Monday at 6pm and repeats Tuesdays at 12am and 10am. Find us at

The music in this podcast is courtesy of the local band Appalatin and is used by permission. Explore their delightful music at