Today is going to be a little different. Unfortunately we had some scheduling difficulties and therefore don’t have a new episode for you this week.

But, we do have a “New To You” episode because we have been lucky enough to be guests on several other podcasts. So, today we are offering up our appearance on The Modern Life Podcast, hosted by Tabby Pawlitzki. On the Modern Life Podcast, Tabby and guests read a book and then watch the screen adaptation and then pick apart all the things we loved and the things we hated. And which was better? The book or the movie?.

Carrie and I were guests to Tabby’s podcast back in December to discuss THE PRINCESS BRIDE written by William Goldman which was then directed in 1987 by Rob Reiner.

This was our second time being a guest on Tabby’s show and we always adore nerding out with her. You can find Modern LIfe podcast on all the major podcast platforms and follow her on Insta at @Modernlifepod