Episode #31 of LouisvilleReads! Finishing summer reading with Jewish-American novelist Joshua Cohen's deliciously funny (and deeply intelligent) winner of the 2022 Pulitzer Prizes for Fiction 'The Netanyahus' (2021). The fictional Professor of American Economic History Dr. Reuben Blum at the fictional Corbin College in fictional Corbindale, NY serves as personal and professional escort for the newly arrived (and very non fictional) Professor of Medieval Studies Dr. Benzion Netanyahu, Zionist academic and father of future Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who is actively in tow. Ranging from prose drawing on Yiddish theater and Saul Bellow to sitcom slapstick and Phillip Roth, the Blums and Netanyahus collaborate and collide in all the right and wrong ways and find that some of the ideological borders between international (and American) Jewry are just as intractable as any wall any Netanyahu ever set up on the West Bank. #Louisville #Read #Netanyahu 🇺🇸🇮🇱📻📚