Forward Radio was thrilled to participate in the 2nd annual Bluegrass VegFest, at the historic Mellwood Art Center on Saturday, July 15th, 2023! Bluegrass VegFest is a FREE public education event whose mission is outreach about the benefits of veganism as a way to protect animals and the environment, and improve health. Learn more at

Forward Radio not only hosted a booth to help you translate your plant-power into community radio, but we also conducted a live broadcast to bring you interviews with some of the many vendors, keynote speakers & cooking demos. Speakers included:

Karyn Moskowitz - Food Justice Activist, Founder of New Roots
Fresh Food is a Basic Human Right
Karyn is a veggie-obsessed leader and social entrepreneur for food justice movements in Louisville, Asbury Park, NJ, and beyond. She is one of the founders and executive directors of the New Roots Fresh Stop Markets, an award-winning solution to food injustice, where thousands of families pool their resources on an income-based sliding scale and pay fair prices to KY & IN farmers for fresh, seasonal, organic produce.

Dr. Kim Williams - Vegan Cardiologist, Chair of Dept of Medicine at UofL
Taking the DIE Out of DIET
Dr. Kim Williams is an internationally recognized speaker and was recently named the Chairman of the Department of Medicine at the Univ. of Louisville. He switched to a vegan diet in 2003 due to his high cholesterol levels, which can lead to heart disease. After extensive research he recommended it to all patients with blood pressure, insulin sensitivity or cholesterol issues, and has had tremendous success improving their health.

Dotsie Bausch – Vegan Olympian Medalist, Founder Switch4Good
The Optimum Human State
Since concluding a prolific professional cycling career & winning a silver medal at the 2012 London Olympic Games, 8 U.S. national championships, 2 Pan American gold medals, and a world record, Kentucky-born Dotsie Bausch has become a powerful influencer for plant-based eating for athletes and non-athletes alike. Named one of the world's top 20 most influential vegans by VegNews magazine, she uses her soapbox and her degree in plant-based nutrition to advocate for dietary justice, planet earth and animals. Bausch is a star of the Netflix documentary Personal Gold: An Underdog Story and the 2017 documentary The Game Changers. She is the founder of Switch4Good, an evidence-based nonprofit disrupting the disinformation Big Dairy feeds the public, works to promote ethical lifestyles and widespread behavioral change related to how we eat.

Soul Eubanks – Animal Rights & Social Justice Activist
Introduction to Veganism, Anti-Speciesism and Collective Liberation
Christopher “Soul” Eubanks is a social justice advocate, creative, and public speaker raised in Atlanta, GA who has dedicated himself to advocacy work that combats all forms of injustice. After learning the horrors of animal exploitation, Christopher became vegan, began doing community organizing, and has helped co-organize Atlanta’s first-ever animal rights march. Christopher is the founder of APEX Advocacy, a non-profit animal rights organization that uses digital content and grassroots activism to help communities of color defend themselves against animal industries and fight for collective liberation.

Kristina Addington – V-Grits Founder & Chef
FOOD DEMO: Vegan Cheesemaking & Charcuterie
Chef Kristina dedicates her life to promoting a cruelty-free, vegan existence. She previously worked as a Campaign Coordinator and Corporate Liaison for PETA, while also teaching vegan cooking classes. In 2014 Chef Kristina used the prize money from a cooking competition on the food network to launch the V-Grits food truck (an acronym for vegan girl raised in the south) focusing on southern-style vegan comfort food. V-Grits has taken many forms and now resides inside Logan Street Market.