In September 2018, Israeli Joint List MK Aida Touma-Sliman visited Louisville to raise awareness of the "nation-state law", a new basic law that passed narrowly in the Israeli Knesset (parliament) effectively constitutionalizing the special status of Jews in Israel, rendering the 20% of the population that is non-Jewish into legal 2nd class citizens.
Ms. Touma-Sliman was kind enough to allow Ethics Forward to record one of her public talks. I then got together with fellow #wfmp-forward-radio host Ruth Newman and Dr. Ed Segal, UofL anthropologist and member of the local Jewish Community Relations Council, to discuss some of the important issues she raised in her talk.

Cover photo is Aida Touma-Sliman by zaher abu elnaser [CC BY-SA 4.0 (] from wikimedia commons:

Embedded music is "Al Kuffiyeh el`arabiyya" by Shadia Mansour, from 33rpm Voices of the Revolution, available for free download on

Also "Sage" and "Cloud Nine" by #prismicofficial