What does the National Academies of Science say about the age groups that are most harmed by online schooling? Then, hear Dr. Naomi Charalambakis of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) speak on the neuroscience behind how visual and auditory information is transmitted in our bodies. What causes 'ZOOM fatigue', for instance?

The title of her talk is 'What You See Is What You Get'. It is part of the 'Bench Talk Live' series put on by the Kentucky Academy of Science. Here is the link to the ZOOM recording of this talk if you want to see her slides: https://www.kyscience.org/bench_talk_live.php

Bench Talk is a weekly program that airs on WFMP Louisville FORward Radio 106.5 FM (forwardradio.org) every Monday at 7:30 pm, Tuesday at 11:30 am, and Wednesday at 7:30 am.

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