What can we see in the night sky from our backyards this month? J. Scott Miller fills us in. Then, hear Kaley Collett of the University of Kentucky's 'Appalachian Career Training in Oncology (ACTION) Program' talk about cancer-related professions.

Our thanks to the ACTION program for giving us permission to broadcast this essay. You can learn more about ACTION at https://ukhealthcare.uky.edu/markey-cancer-center/research/action/about. Information about their book, 'The Cancer Crisis in Appalachia: Kentucky Students Take ACTION' is at https://www.kentuckypress.com/9781950690039/the-cancer-crisis-in-appalachia/.

And thanks to EarthDate.org for the story about reindeer. Here is the link: https://www.earthdate.org/node/146. Music is 'Lovely Piano Song' by Rafael Krux (freepd.com).

Bench Talk is a weekly program that airs on WFMP Louisville ‘Forward Radio’ 106.5 FM (forwardradio.org) every Monday at 7:30 pm, Tuesday at 11:30 am, and Wednesday at 7:30 am.

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