To mark our 6th Anniversary Pledge Drive and encourage you to donate today at, we bring you a special Access Hour featuring a community conversation about Youth Climate Activism in Kentucky! The conversation was organized by the Kentucky Student Environmental Coalition on February 20th and was facilitated by Jeri Katherine Howell who researched why young people in Kentucky get involved in climate activism from 2020-2022 as a graduate student pursuing a Master’s of Science in Community and Leadership Development at the University of Kentucky (

Jeri is a singer-songwriter, educator, activist, and sustainable community development practitioner. She engages people of all ages in creative learning experiences that uplift our stories, embody our interconnectedness with more-than-human nature, and build community. She employs this work as the Assistant Director at Josephine Sculpture Park and as a musician, teaching artist, and consultant. Jeri is an adjudicated member of the Kentucky Arts Council and Partners for Rural Impact Teaching Artist Rosters and a certified environmental educator and Kentucky Community Scholar. Her artistic, activist, and academic achievements have been recognized by the Kentucky Arts Council, U.S. Department of State Fulbright program, and Kentucky Foundation for Women. She is a proud KSEC alumna. Learn more and connect at http://

This is a phenomenal resource for any Kentucky activist looking to engage with youth on climate issues. Jeri's thesis explores personal stories, what has worked well, and overall set backs in these spaces.

In this context, “youth climate activism” involves anyone who identifies as “young” or “youth” and takes action to address climate change. The research focused on participants ages 18-24 years old.

The Access Hour airs on Forward Radio, 106.5fm, WFMP-LP Louisville, every Wednesday at 2pm and repeats Thursdays at 11am and Fridays at 1pm. Find us at

If you’ve got something you’d like to share on community radio through the Access Hour, whether it’s a recording you made or a show you’d like to do on a particular topic, community, artistic creation, or program that is under-represented in Louisville’s media landscape, just go to, click on Participate and pitch us your idea. The Access Hour is your opportunity to take over the air waves to share your passion.