Hey critical thinkers-it's the homemade quiz: "Who said it? Bono or Plato?" This is one of the quizzes in which I feed Brian a ponderous quote about life and thinking and he has to guess which thinker of note said it. Is it the philosopher of the ages, Plato of Athens? Or the rock star of the ages, Bono from U2? Play along with Brian and laugh and learn along as we dissect their wisdom for us.
We discuss The Reboot Foundation's Report on The State of Critical Thinking 2021 -- reboot-foundation.org/. We discuss their surprising findings about the use of social media habits and how they relate to critical thinking habits.
“Critical Thinking for Everyone" airs on FORward Radio, 106.5fm and forwardradio.org, WFMP-LP Louisville, every Thursday at 5 pm EST and repeats Thursday at midnight and Friday at 11 am. Please listen live at www.forwardradio.org/. Find us on Facebook at "Critical Thinking for Everyone".
Our music is by Bensound, and it is free and available to anyone to use--www.bensound.com/