Weekly podcast primarily about magic the gathering, but likely bits about life with kids, life after forty, video games and random mental potpourri. OMG! A …

Weekly podcast primarily about magic the gathering, but likely bits about life with kids, life after forty, video games and random mental potpourri.

OMG! A guest has returned! Bennie Smith! You probably know his as the Commander expert and you can find his weekly articles about Commander at Star City Games (archive of his articles).

This week is all about the previews and rapidly approaching pre-releases for Theros Beyond Death. Bennie is excited, Tom is scared of indestructible monsters. Tom also is in love with the noble hippocamp, his favorite Horse Fish.

Important self-aggrandizing information:

Bennie Smith@blairwitchgreenAuthor at Star City Games – Article Archive

www.fortylifepodcast.comRSS Feed – http://fortylifepodcast.com/feed/podcast/forty-life-podcastTwitter: @psgreader and @fortylifecast

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