Today’s guest on the Fortune Teller podcast is Josh Rogers, CEO of Minterest. Minterest aims to offer the highest long term yield in DeFi. The Minterest lending protocol passes on all surplus created directly to its users, providing their best interest. By running its own on-chain settlement and buyback mechanisms, the Minterest protocol automatically disperses the worth it acquires from interest rate, flash loan and liquidation fees to the community. It does this via MNT tokens that it buys on-market, ensuring your highest long-term yields.

To ensure users can trust Minterest, Minterest’s auditing procedures are relentless, made to push the qualifications of asset security and secure long-term yields, ensuring your best interest. The asset security is overseen by an array of best-of-class auditors. All of Minterest is designed to make certain that your yield is protected for the long term. Real transparency is because Minterst is not only rigorously audited and backed by the most robust code in the world, its functional clarity gives you total peace of mind.

A user-centric layout provides a personal portfolio, along with risk analysis tools, assisting the user to make sophisticated risk and reward decisions with assurance. As users investigate DeFi lending, there's a huge level of opacity when it comes to liquidations. Lenders and borrowers are not provided with sufficient and elaborate data to truly understand their risk profile. At best, one is supposed to know what can be extremely important and oftentimes complicated lending portfolios, with a simple traffic light risk analysis system. These people are supposed to use green, orange and red markers to measure their risk profile, without actually and fully understanding what the colour codes mean.

The layperson can see that this is not running in people's highest needs. If one views DeFi lenders through a hypercritical lens, it’s simple to determine that the ones benefiting the most are not the users, but a small group who are profiting from opportunist liquidation methods.

Current DeFi options have huge tensions between properly serving their users and ensuring protocol solvency. Solvency means always having enough liquidators circling to start liquidation events, especially during periods of high price fluxes. In turn, these platforms must make sure liquidation fees are profitable enough for liquidators, as well as assuring that liquidation events consistently occur to ensure there will be a steady flow of liquidations.

The Minterest protocol manages liquidation functions automatically. The key advantage, beyond Minterest capturing all liquidation fee value, is that Minterest doesn’t need liquidators constantly circling it. Minterest can then authentically answer to its users and truly look after their interests without compromising solvency.

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The Fortune Teller podcast is a discussion between industry leaders in blockchain and financial technologies. The podcast focuses on the development of blockchain-based financial services and outlines the current state of the industry and future predictions for the adoption of decentralized finance. Go to

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