​​Today’s guest is Barron Solomon, the founder of Solo Music, a global music marketplace. Solo Music uses smart contracts and NFTs to create digital music assets and connect artists, fans, and the industry at large. Barron’s background is in the IT space, where he worked to help small to medium-sized businesses migrate from a physical infrastructure to a virtual one. One of his big endeavors was introducing businesses to cloud technology when it first came out. As part of his job, he had to stay up to date with the next wave of technological innovation. That’s where he stumbled upon blockchain in 2014. Since then, he says he’s done nearly every job you can do in the space, from working in a commercial mining facility to DAP analysis and production.

Barron says that, in general, people are resistant to anything they don’t inherently understand. You have to break down the barriers with education to show that this piece of technology isn’t scary. Barron believes eventually people will realize that this is cheaper, faster, and better. Blockchain truly can impact the music industry if we let it. Just like the internet made it possible to transport information, blockchain will break down barriers for transporting money. The music industry is a $20 billion industry, which Barron believes is nothing compared to what it could be. He says music is a universal language that we can all connect around.

Being in Nashville, Barron has been around music all his life and knows many people in the industry. He says the music industry has the most confusing contracts, with so many aspects going into how artists earn money. Barron says that many artists don’t even understand how, when, or why they’re getting paid. Barron wants to utilize this technology to give artists more transparency. He also wants to leverage this technology to build a fan club of the future, where fans can have different ways to interact with artists. We’ve worked with artists that have offered things like a one-hour zoom session with them. Up to this point, artists haven’t been able to fully monetize and gain liquidity access to the real value they are providing, which is their artistic ability.

If you’d like to learn more about the Solo Music project, visit www.solomusic.io.

The Fortune Teller podcast is a discussion between industry leaders in blockchain and financial technologies. The podcast focuses on the development of blockchain-based financial services and outlines the current state of the industry and future predictions for the adoption of decentralized finance. Go to www.teller.finance/