Previous Episode: 013: Emma of England
Next Episode: 015: Normandy Stirs

Emma is a survivor...whether you like it or not. She does what she needs to do, even if it means marrying the man who just deposed her last husband and outlasted her former step-son. But, again, like water, she moves forward. Always forward. Today, we take a look at how she adjusts to being the queen consort to a Danish king ruling over the same English kingdom she once ruled. We've covered a lot of ground in these last few episodes, but we've also seen the events play out from a different perspective. Emma is pivotal, in my opinion, to the entire 11th century of European history as we allow this medieval story to unfold. Keep your eye on Emma. Never lose sight of Emma.

And thank you all for your continued support. The numbers are continuing to increase and I've been brainstorming different ways to mix things up as we begin to expand beyond the North Sea region. But, as you know, for this show to grow it needs our awesome listeners to continue to share the show, both in word-of-mouth, texts to friends and colleagues and family, and on social media. PLEASE KEEP SHARING. I am seeing the fruits of your efforts in the downloads and unique listeners reports I collect and I am extremely humbled by your appreciation of what I'm working hard to produce. THANK YOU. So, please hit us up on Facebook (Fortune's Wheel Podcast) and Twitter (@WheelPodcast), and you can also email the show at [email protected].

I hope you enjoy the show.