Simon Sutcliffe

Formby Firebirds - Ladies Cricket in Formby Merseyside is thriving. The Ladies Cricket team has huge support form Formby Cricket Club. The main inspiration/ coach / anchor man is Simon Sutcliffe.

A magical story illustrating the benefits of team sport. How life / communities in the UK benefit from sport in this case cricketing success.

We asked Simon
In November 2023

1. How did your journey in cricket begin, and what inspired you to pursue it seriously?
2. What role does cricket play in your daily life, and how do you balance it with other commitments?
3. Can you describe your most memorable cricketing moment or achievement so far?
4. Who are your cricketing role models, and how have they influenced your approach to the game?
5. How do you prepare for a cricket match, both mentally and physically?
6. What challenges have you faced in your cricketing career, and how did you overcome them?
7. Can you share any insights into the sacrifices you've had to make to excel in cricket?
8. What are your long-term goals or aspirations in the world of cricket?
9. How has cricket shaped your personality and values outside of the sport?
10. What advice would you give to young aspiring cricketers looking to build their lives around the game?
11. Any funny stories that stand out?

Simon Sutcliffe
Cricket First
X / Twitter - @Cricketfirst20

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