This Wrath of Magnus set is awesome.  It advances the story in ways I don’t think we long time gamers every thought we would see. We also get the first … Read More

This Wrath of Magnus set is awesome.  It advances the story in ways I don’t think we long time gamers every thought we would see. We also get the first plastic primarch!  He’s a daemon, but whatever..   They are just getting started.

Hey guys,

Thousand Son players should be really happy about this release but it means a lot to Chaos and Daemon players in general.  I think this book will definitely see some play.

We on the show don’t agree about the power level of the big red man Magnus.  His point cost does severely limit how your army can be built but I don’t care.  I think he is a truck that is going to turn the tides of battle in the same way the Super Tuna does.  Meaning – he’s great… but he’s not unkillable and won’t just win the game by himself.

The new pink horrors are a real issue.  Their rules are going to be pretty dern frustrating to people until they learn how to deal with them.  I think the intent is for them NOT to have malefic powers but due to the way the BRB is worded – I think they’re going to get them for many RAW players out there.

The Finishing Moves segment is sponsored by Their Industrial Terrain set is great and they offer a product that is pre-painted. This, combined with their mats, is a great way to get playing with professional looking game boards fast.

The Finishing Moves segment is about stubble and shaved heads.  This is a stumper for a lot of people there – me included.  We go over some tips and tricks on how to pull this off and really help give you some separation from the field.

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Thank you and Enjoy!

Forge the Narrative is mostly a Warhammer 40k Podcast. Each episode is about an hour long. This ideally gives you something neat to listen to on your way to work, or on the way back home. Maybe you can even listen while you are painting or modeling!

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FTN mostly focuses on 40k, but again you will see in the first few episodes we take a severe deep dive into nerdom. These have been a blast to record and I hope they help pass the time for you.


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Paul Murphy – Host



Justin Troop – troopsmash

Christopher Morgan – captain morgan

Adam Abramowicz – Beyond the Brush Studios

Andrew Whittaker



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