Ep 113. Brian Hinnenkamp of Tortuga Bladeworks in Seattle, Washington, USA. With Dennis Tyrell of Tyrell Knifeworks as guest co host

Comin in hot!
This episode was something else people. Sitting down with two of the big dogs in the knife game. Both these gents are guys we are all looking up too. Was literally right before recording that I was chatting with Dennis and asked if he wanted to co hoat with Brian. Both gents are very familiar with eachothers work and actually live fairly close to each other. Dennis in California and Brian in Washington.
Brian is making some extemely amazing blades with a very unique look to many. A look he developed mostly on his own. You see. Brian has a love for pirates. Big time! To the point he wanted what he calls a shipwreck patina in his blades. We dive into that and also his san mi work. Best part is you also get Dennis asking questions and giving his input.

We talk about all this and more in this episode of Forge Side Chat. Sit back and grab strange brew yah hoser. Oh, and good day, eh!

Don't hesitate to reach out and let us know what you think of the show!

Mark the calendar!!!
June 6-9th 2024!!
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to get all the details on this amazing event.

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