Airdate: June 5, 2024

Atlas Shepherd watched her mother's creation Harlan, an AI, start a war that caused the demise of millions. That trauma led her down a dark path of distrust and overwhelming guilt. Almost entirely shown from Atlas's perspective from a Mech... err Arcsuit - was the film worthy of the poor scores online or just a misunderstood film ahead of its time?

***Spoiler Warning***

Forever Fangirls Reviews on YouTube!IMDb: The Net (1995)Netflix Sci-Fi Tentpole Bombs With Critics And Audiences, Reported $100 Million Budget Looks Wasted On ScreenFriends of the Forever Fangirls Podcast - From future conventions, amazing fan shops, & sapphic designs to wedding singers - friends of the Forever Fangirls podcast cover it all!Follow Forever Fangirls - Find us on social media, discord & more!