In episode 6, forest therapy guide Kat Novotna describes how our current human experience during the pandemic can be seen as a journey of transition towards a new way of life on every level: personal, collective and  planetary. She shares from her personal experience how the principles and techniques of forest therapy are designed to meet the needs of this time and can be applied in any situation as a powerful way to release stress and relax; and most of all, to open our hearts to find deeper meaning and personal growth as we live towards the new.

The episode includes a sample invitation from Kat’s manual, Transition Time Journaling Prompts to Reflect and Reconnect.
(downloadable as a free gift)

Kat Novotna is a​n ANFT certified Forest Therapy guide, artist and Mind-Body Nutrition coach based in the Netherlands. 

Kat's passion and element are to help people re-connect with nature, with aliveness, with themselves and with others. To slow down, relax and re-connect with their heart and body wisdom. With a passion for creativity and Shinrin-yoku art, and a background in linguistics and cross-cultural communication, Kat is enjoying guiding and working with people from all around the world through her company Way Back Home, both in person and online.

Kat also serves as Co-chair of the European Council of the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy to help support the practice and the guides, and to spread the word about Forest Therapy, and the reciprocity aspect of the relationship between humans and our planet.

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