Previous Episode: A Solstice Gift

What do animals have to do with becoming a fully authentic, awake and sentient human being?

In this conversation Aimee Brimhall, Nadine Mazzola and Loesje Jacob venture deep into the human capacity to relate with other sentient beings.  Each of the 3 teachers has created a unique evolutionary pathway for mind-, body-and heart connection with the world of animals: 

Aimee Brimhall teaches people to develop inspired and fulfilling friendships with their horses; Nadine Mazzola invites us in her book, "Forest Bathing with your Dog" into shared sensory nature exploration with human's best friend; and Loesje Jacob offers a transformative journey through  joining awareness with other sentient beings. 

Not surprisingly, there are many moments of deep resonance and similarity in this conversation which revolves around remembering how to be authentic, awake and sentient.

Here are some of the topics the circle explores:

What can we learn from animals?Do animals even want to relate or communicate with us?Is it possible to learn how to be more intimately connected with the animals in our lives? How people transform through learning the language of other sentient beings

For more information about the work of our conversation partners please visit their websites:

Aimee Brimhall:

Loesje Jacob:

Nadine Mazzola:

Hosted by Kat Novotna and Pamela Wirth

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