Next in our Ladies of Golf series, we caught up with Carly Grenfell,
Digital Content Specialist for the PGA of America. We hope you enjoy
learning more about Carly’s experiences, her goals and accomplishments.

Carly Grenfell is a digital content specialist for the PGA of America, taking her to incredible experiences like the Ryder Cup.

As we close in on 2019, Fore the Ladies will be featuring some of our favorite leading Ladies of Golf and their accomplishments from the year. We’re honored to celebrate their successes and look forward what’s to come from each of them in 2020.

Next in our Ladies of Golf series, we caught up with Carly Grenfell, Digital Content Specialist for the PGA of America. You can follow her on Twitter, Instagram and listen to her podcast, Fairway Tales here. We hope you enjoy learning more about Carly’s experience, her goals and accomplishments.

What is your role?

My title is Digital Content Specialist and my time is split between social media and photography. Social media-wise, I help with the day-to-day posts and overall strategy and ideation of our @PGA channels and Major Championship (@PGAChampionship, @KPMGWomensPGA, @SeniorPGAChamp, & @RyderCupUSA) channels. For photography, I work with both the PGA’s contracted photographers and Getty Images in developing shot sheets and essentially just making sure they know where to be and when, on-site, at our events! On top of that, I manage all internal and external photo requests and our DAM platform that houses all PGA-owned images.

How long have you been at your  company? 

I will be celebrating my two-year work anniversary right before our Christmas break!

How do you define success? 

I define success as living a story with purpose and intention. I think a lot of people get comfortable with the mundane and simply showing up to work or showing up in our personal lives to check a box. Success isn’t filling a cubicle or checking a box; it’s making a tangible difference on people and for people. That’s something I try to do every day, even if it’s small or goes unnoticed.

What has been your biggest success of 2019 and why?

Launching a podcast (Fairway Tales) for the PGA in April is probably the project I’m most proud of. It’s a podcast that’s dedicated to telling the stories of women in golf who are making a difference in the industry. I’m proud of it because I didn’t know anything about podcasts or podcast production before I decided to go for it. I’ve had an absolute blast with the interviews so far and I’m looking forward to growing our following even more in 2020.

What do you hope to accomplish personally or professional in 2020?

Personally, I want to play more golf! I still consider myself a newbie as I’ve really only experienced clinics, the driving range and par-3 courses, as of now. I would love to actually play more rounds of golf and start to get more comfortable in that setting. Professionally, I’m in the middle of replacing our current photo archive with a new digital asset management tool so our photos can be more easily accessible. We have a ton of digital assets, so this is a big project that has been trying to get solved long before I got to the PGA!

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