Alyssa Wong, author of Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2020), joins the show to discuss everyone's favorite rogue archaelogist: Dr. Chelli Lona Aphra!

*Spoiler warning for issues #1 - #26 of DOCTOR APHRA (2020)*

Join Alyssa and Travis as they discuss:

Alyssa's relationship with Star Wars and how it's come full circleAphra's exes, relationships, and vulnerabilityJust Lucky! Is he a character who could have a happily-ever-after?Domina Tagge and her dominanceCanto Bight and the joys of writing in that worldKho Phon Farrus! Aphra's self-described sworn nemesis, their importance, and seeing them in other comic runsSo. Much. More.

This was such a great discussion that fans of Star Wars and Doctor Aphra won't want to miss!

Follow Alyssa on Twitter @crashwong! Pick up all the current DOCTOR APHRA issues today and keep an eye out for more Star Wars announcements coming soon! Also, check out their work in the Marvel World with Iron Fist, Alligator Loki, Aero, and the brand new DEADPOOL run!

Follow the show @ForceTimePod on Twitter, at forcetimepod on Instagram, and leave us a 5-Star Review on Apple Podcasts if you enjoy the show!

"Robobozo" Kevin Maclead (
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