So often it can feel like all you hear are the negative things that are going on with the environment. The danger in that, though, is that you can overwhelm the listener, make them want to tune out and, worse, feel like there is nothing that they can do. I mean, why try to make eco-friendly choices when you feel like it won't make a difference, right? Dr. Nancy Knowlton, a world-renowned marine biologist, saw how she, herself, was guilty of only talking about the bad and saw how it affected those that heard it. She decided to try a new approach where success stories were highlighted and the response she and her colleagues have received has gone viral. #OceanOptimism, and all that has come from it, is helping to push conservation narratives to be more focused on what is working with the aim of inspiring hope and encouraging action. On this eve of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, let's celebrate what we've accomplished and look ahead on what we can replicate and scale up for a better tomorrow.

Want to know what YOU can do to promote earth optimism? Check out this week's show notes at

Background music by Fearless Motivation Instrumentals: Meaning of Life

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