Episode Notes

The force friends have long been the tough twinks of television, but now they’re the bad bois of books! Andy and Ryan are joined by Charles of Gold Squadron Gays to discuss Lords of the Sith by Paul S Kemp. This book was one of the first new canon things before new canon was a thing. And it’s on Ryloth, so here we go!

Ryan wants to kill R2
Canon should not be a shackle
Palpatine and Vader are pithy and sithy
Are you a Saw Gerrera or Mon Mothma?
A bit of Karen Traviss hate as a treat
Let queers be messy!
Force Unleashed is just kinda…icky
But Sam Witwer does make brain go rrrrrrrr

Thanks again to Charles! You can follow Charles on twitter and listen to Gold Squadron Gays on your fav podcast platform.

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