Buckle up, folks, this is going to be a long one.  Zack and Jenny return to the world of feature length films after our season of TV shows.  And boy do we do it with a bang!  

This is where it all started.  This made for Showtime pilot walked so that Sex and the City, The Sopranos, and Game of Thrones could fly.

Join us as we discuss all of the dick grabbing techniques in play.  We get to see our favorite mopey David Duchovny's awesome dog Stella.  We get one of the dirtiest players from American Gladiators facing off with David Duchovny is a trippy, shirtless, champagne fueled living room basketball game as a climax.  We also get to hear about Electronic Vibratory Transmission Forces.

Sometimes we tell you to watch the movie, sometimes we tell you just to come along with us.  This is a slow starter, but the wacky basketball climax is worth the watch, so check it out, and join us.