Engineering school time!!! Zack takes Kevin Bacon's hair length and nudity and tries to determine if there is a statistically significant correlation.  There are graphs.  You should probably check social media, I don't think this translates very well in audio. 

Zack also calculates the number of animals required for a stampede.  The best thing about science is it has to give you an answer.  If you decide a formula is credible, you can put all sorts of numbers in, and science has to give you an answer even if it is absurd.

We talk more about Zack's 4th grade friend who encouraged him to watch Tremors and played a minor role in an Ernest movie.

We hit up Playboy as usual, and discuss non-pornographic films that have won AVN awards.  Jenny can't separate the 1996 David Cronenberg, James Spader, Casey Jones film Crash about people turned on by car crashes from the mid 2000s crash about race relations that won a bunch of Oscars.