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We have an exciting announcement for y’all! We are going to be having #BillPayne, Co-Founder and Pianist extraordinaire of #LittleFeat as a guest on #ForWhatitsWorthwithBlakeMelnick and #TheSpaceinbetween!

This will be a multipart experience encompassing the journey from #VictoriaBC to #SeattleWa to see #LittleFeats 45 Anniversary Tour of their masterpiece live record, #WaitingforColumbus.

We’ll be #puttingonoursalinshoes and jumping on the ferry from Victoria to Seattle harbour, On route we will interview #FeatFans onboard and later on the streets of Seattle prior to the show.

We have been given permission to record at the show, so we’ll bring those recordings your way as well, and we will also be conducting “spot interviews” following the performance on Aug. 6th.

AND on August 9th, Bill Payne will join me as a guest on the show!

My sincere gratitude and thanks goes out to @DavidMcNally, Little Feat’s publicist for arranging this and to @BillyPayne, whose graciousness and willingness to do the interview in the midst of his gruelling tour schedule is truly amazing and beyond all expectations!

Between now and then, we will be publishing Feat photos courtesy of @DavidMcNally, along with links to pre-order the re-release of the “WaitingforColumbus. As well, for those new to #LittleFeat I will be posting recommendations of records and songs to listen to in a specific order to help you #MellowDownEasy into the #LittleFeat experience! …For What it’s Worth

Click HERE to purchase a signed copy of Moments in Time by Tom Locke

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The music for this episode, "Bible Thumping Sundays"  is written and performed by our new artist in residence, #DouglasCameron. You can find out more about Douglas by visiting our show blog and by listening to our episode, #TheOldGuitar

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