This week... 
For the People... law in plain language
& Debra D. Rainey, Esq.
Legalized weed? Medicinal Weed?
Pot, weed, ganja, chronic, budda, mary jane, purple haze, cheeba, grass~ WHATEVER!
Where & how can we LEGALLY smoke it & when will
Congress (Puff &) PASS laws in my state? 
We just wanna smoke...
Puff Puff pass, ..... Calling all potheads and non potheads to the table for the discussion of legalizing Cannibis, weed, marijuana, reggie, loud or whatever clever name you have for it.  Is it time? Too Soon? Tune in and listen to the fam break it down about that green. 
Taking your LEGAL QUESTIONS LIVE on air! 
TuneIN Tuesday's 8-9:30 PM  EST 
Host Debra D. Rainey, Esq.
The Compassionate Lawyer  |
Co-Host: BLAQ: The Broke Poet
Tonight’s show produced by Chamara "Ladygohard" Cotton
Assistant producers: Robbin K. Stanton, Aleywa Taylor, & Curtiss Bazemore
Associate Producers: Jazminn Jones & Chamara 'Ladygohard' Cotton
Executive Producer: Renee Norris-Jones
Weekly Podcasts: iTunes & Podomatic
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Air Date June 11, 2013
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