Tonight on... 
For the People... law in plain language 
 & Debra D. Rainey, Esq.
Black Men vs. The System  (DHS: Anti-Christ or Saviour? Part 2)
A single BLACK MAN & FATHER'S harrowing journey of stepping up!
Tonight we revisited DHS, The Anti-Christ or Savior of our family, we discussed the case of a local Philadelpia Woman, who after being giving 2 of her sister's children for 9 months lost those children to another family member and how this woman's story curried no favor nor triggered any sympathy from the For The People fam.  We heard a moving Oratorical performance by our in studio guest "Mary" aka "Truth Serum" in honor of and recognition of her mother and her father's sacrifices in his journey to reunite his famiy.  "Mary's" father William Pitts, Jr., joined us via telephone from a small town in North Carolina and shared his story of false imprisonment, heroine addiction to ultimately the savior of his children.  A caller from a questionable non-profit organization called to voice her outrage at the lively discussion and dared to challenge.  The caller paid the price and heard from the Uber Compassionate and Vocal Lawyer.  You need to check this episode out!! 
 DHS Mission Statement: 
The Philadelphia Department of Human Services mission is to provide and promote safety, permanency, and well-being for children and youth at risk of abuse, neglect and delinquency. (hmmmm... you decide!) 
Tuesdays ~ 8-9:30 PM  EST
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 Host Debra D. Rainey, Esq. 
Featuring BLAQ: The Broke Poet
Producer: Renee Norris-Jones
Air Date APRIL 2, 2013

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