Tonight on For the People... law in plain languageSuppose you survived your abuser, got away from the abuser and all of a sudden Here comes "abuser" seeking child custody. What if the abuser has never made any attempts to parent the child and was absent for the child's first 7 years?  Does that abuser have rights to the child? Is possession really 9/10s of the law?  These and other issues are discussed.  our special guest "Arielle" shares her nightmare on Child/Support and Custody street.  Check us out!
Host Deb Rainey, Esq. discusses Child Custody/Support and has a frank discussion with DV survivor & her ongoing NIGHTMARE on CUSTODY STREET! Tuesdays ~ 8-9:30 PM EST - LISTEN & with TUNEIN on Smartphones - Weekly Podcasts on iTunes & Podomatic.comLike us FACEBOOK ~ Follow us TWITTERHost: Debra D. Rainey, Esq. - Featuring BLAQ: The Broke Poet - & Producer: Renee Norris-JonesAir Date January 15, 2013~LISTEN with the TUNEIN APP on your SMARTPHONE~