The Podcast Guest 10 Commandments:

1. Know Thy Audience: know who that #podcast serves. Make it a goal to be one of that show’s best guests of all-time (listen to at least one episode, read reviews, website)

2. Thou are the Expert: remember why you were brought on the show (likely you have superpower strength worth sharing)

3. Thou Shall Break Things Down: share things step-by-step (actionable - 1, 2, 3) so they can be easily applied

4. Thou Shall Not Be Vague: don't hide information because it's “sacred” - share freely and BE SPECIFIC!

5. Thou Shall Not Record Bad Sound: record in a small carpeted room, with soft surfaces, USE AN EXTERNAL MIC!

6. Thou Shall Listen: pay close attention throughout the interview, especially to the question, and answer it directly/succinctly

7. Thou Shall Not Bore: stories about your life may be interesting, but people want to know WIFM (What’s in it for me) - be sure your story has a payoff that provides value

8. Thou Shall Have a POV: what is your unique perspective or “point of view” that people will remember you by?

9. Thou Shall Not Over Plug: be subtle about plugging your products/services. Don’t let it dominate the conversation

10. Thou Shall Help Promote: share the episode with your network, reply to comments on posts

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The Podcast Guest 10 Commandments:

1. Know Thy Audience: know who that #podcast serves. Make it a goal to be one of that show’s best guests of all-time (listen to at least one episode, read reviews, website)

2. Thou are the Expert: remember why you were brought on the show (likely you have superpower strength worth sharing)

3. Thou Shall Break Things Down: share things step-by-step (actionable - 1, 2, 3) so they can be easily applied

4. Thou Shall Not Be Vague: don't hide information because it's “sacred” - share freely and BE SPECIFIC!

5. Thou Shall Not Record Bad Sound: record in a small carpeted room, with soft surfaces, USE AN EXTERNAL MIC!

6. Thou Shall Listen: pay close attention throughout the interview, especially to the question, and answer it directly/succinctly

7. Thou Shall Not Bore: stories about your life may be interesting, but people want to know WIFM (What’s in it for me) - be sure your story has a payoff that provides value

8. Thou Shall Have a POV: what is your unique perspective or “point of view” that people will remember you by?

9. Thou Shall Not Over Plug: be subtle about plugging your products/services. Don’t let it dominate the conversation

10. Thou Shall Help Promote: share the episode with your network, reply to comments on posts

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