It's absolutely crucial to be cautious about whose advice you take when it comes to your finances. This is your life we're talking about, your dreams, and your future. You can't afford to base your financial decisions on irresponsible recommendations from an unqualified TikTok creator or questionable Instagram posts. In this episode, I share the types of people you should steer clear of, who you should follow and listen to, and why it's so important to surround yourself with people who give great advice and encourage you to think bigger! Your hard-earned money deserves the best guidance from the best people in the game. 



- Tips for choosing your financial guides wisely 

- Who to tune into if you need a financial reset

- The best spiritual and money mindset advisors 

- People who will push you to dream big and reach your money goals 



- Follow Dave Ramsey: @daveramsey

- Follow Rachel Cruze: @rachelcruze 

- Follow Ramit Sethi: @ramit 

- Follow David Bach: @davidlbach 

- Follow Kathrin Zenkina: @manifestationbabe 

- Follow Jaspreet Singh: @minoritymindset 

- Follow Grant Cardone: @grantcardone 

- Follow Warren Buffett: @warrenbuffett 

- Follow Ray Dalio: @raydalio 

- Watch How To Get Rich 

- Book rec: The Automatic Millionaire 

- Book rec: The Latte Factor 

- Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day. 



Follow me: @chriswharder

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Learn more about frello, my peer-to-peer lending app: 

Follow frello: @frello_app 

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