In This Episode You Will Learn About:

Coming up with solutions instead of problems The value of proximity Building relationships with people The law of reciprocity Working hard and playing hard Making the lifestyle that you want to have




Show Notes:

Dr. Rob Murgatroyd is a former multi-seven figure earning chiropractor who was just dominating the space before he woke up one morning and realized he was not fulfilled and not happy. He had a lifelong dream of moving out to California and living on the sand, but he had so many things that kept him tied to Georgia: his chiropractic offices and his family who he didn’t want to uproot. Today, he has made that dream a reality, and he’s here to tell all of you who want to make a massive transition but don’t know how to do it.


Question Highlights:


  • How did you move past the concerns about making this massive transition?
  • What happened when you moved to LA?
  • How can you collaborate with people when you don’t have proximity?
  • How many hours a day do you work right now?
  • What limiting beliefs creep in when you work that kind of schedule?
  • What boundaries, processes, or tools you’ve created for working an abbreviated workday?
  • What lesson do you see in other countries that you think we should incorporate here?
  • What is the Work Hard Play Hard experience and why do you put it together?


Guest Bio:

Rob Murgatroyd is the creator of the Work Hard Play Hard Experience. These are once in a lifetime experiences for entrepreneurs that need to be forced to play more.


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