Bob Whipple is CEO of Leadergrow Incorporated, an organization dedicated to development of

leaders. He speaks on internationally on leadership topics and the development of trust. He is author of four books and over 100 videos on trust and leadership. His work has earned him the popular title of “The TRUST Ambassador.”

The Trust Across America organization has honored Mr. Whipple with the Top Thought Leader

in Trust Lifetime Achievement Award. Bob is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the

Rochester Area Business Ethics Foundation (RABEF). He is a Charter Member of Conscious Capitalism ROC and serves on the executive committee.

[1:20] Creating a "Leadership Laboratory" at Kodak

[3:15] Focusing in on trust as the "Golden Key" to leadership

[4:15] Helping leaders take responsibility for the level of trust in their company culture

[6:30] The process of building trust in an organization

[10:30] How to measure the ROI of trust

[13:10] A client case study on building trust

[15:00] Trust Across America Lifetime Achievement Award

[17:00] How we can change the mindset of business leaders to create more trust

[19:40] The four most impactful trust-building behaviors

[21:45] Creating a culture of feedback through "Reinforcing Candor"

[27:30] Giving trust to get trust

[30:00] What keeps more businesses from creating trusting, "conscious" cultures

[32:45] Advice on building your career

[36:40] Opportunities for students, managers and companies to learn from Bob

[40:15] Carving out your niche and becoming a thought leader

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