[2:20] The phone conversation that turned into their new book, The Business of Race

[5:30] Gina and Margaret's reconnection after the murder of George Floyd

[10:00] Applying a growth mindset to conversations about race
Gina: "Avoiding the conversation and doing nothing is the wrong thing to do."

Dolly Chugh's TED Talk - How to Let Go of Being a "Good" Person and Become a Better Person

[20:00] Navigating racial conversations in their friendship
Gina: "Rather than conflict resolution, I like to think about conflict transformation. Conflict is a tool for transformation. That's how people grow. That's how you know what's really going on in your relationships. If you aren't willing to take that risk then you'll never know."

[28:00] How discussions of race in society and the workplace have evolved - from compliance and avoiding lawsuits to belonging and equity
Gina: "Regardless of how we racially identify, we're in this together."

[34:45] Passing "The Kumbaya Test" as an ally

[40:00] Picking your moments to bring up conversations about race

[43:00] Why the workplace is the best place to talk about race
-Often the first or only place that we interact with people of other races
-One of few places in society where there is some civility
-One of the places where you must keep learning and growing to stay relevant
"The workplace is the place where people of many different backgrounds and skillsets work together toward a common goal."

[49:30] Taking an asset rather than deficit based lens to diversity in the workplace

[52:00] The business model of slavery
Gina: "Their business model was always broken and not sustainable...Here's a business model that we propose that is an asset-based model that's not based on the economic oppression of humans. We want to say to business people, don't be afraid of addresses this, you know how to do it and we're going to show you how to do it with the tools that you've been using all along: strategy, project planning..."

[1:01:45] The "work before the work" and "prepping for the talk"
Free recommended resources
Coursera "Race and Cultural Diversity in American Life" (Free)

"Race, the Power of an Illusion" series:

Frontline: "A Class Divided" (Free):

Read their series on talking about race in the workplace:

Pre-order their book - Due August 31, 2021: