[2:30] The emotional labor and taxation for people of color to "educate" on racial equity

[4:00] Mo's path of turning a passion in diversity, equity and inclusion into a career
"This work is not for me just about consciousness lifting. It's truly about connecting hearts and minds to really help people perform and become their optimal selves."

[9:00]  Safe spaces and creating ground rules to move to brave spaces

[15:00] Becoming an ally by through studying and understanding historical context
Mo's ideas for 25 actionable steps for BOLD Leadership:

[20:00] Retention requires inclusion

[24:00] Cultural humility and trying to become a white ally

[28:00] Reflection, discovery and being guided through the pain to gain perspective

[32:00] The importance of counter-narratives

[35:00] Why diversity trainings often fall short
“There’s an old saying that says diversity is being invited to the party, inclusion is being asked to dance. But I think there’s more to that. I think inclusion is being asked to help plan the party"
-Candace Lucas

[45:00] "Performative diversity" and "racial battle fatigue"

[47:00] How to prepare yourself to be BOLD

[50:00] The myth of meritocracy and why inclusive cultures are beneficial for everyone 
"What is your guiding principle in the C-Suite? How do you engage in discussions? Is everybody's voice heard and accepted the same? ... If you want to enjoy the fruits of diversity, you may have to face some unlearning and some difficult decisions."

Learn more about Mo's work: