The September 2020 episode of The Hobson and Holtz Report features Neville and Shel discussing…

The new crisis PR: What companies should do when they're "canceled"
Twitter's plans to motivate users to "read before you retweet"
How COVID-19 has changed the way we write content (and engage with video and social media)
The arrival of the NHS contact-tracing app gives a big boost to QR codes
Your company's history could pose a risk for your reputation
LinkedIn is making changes
Dan York reports on Amazon podcasts, LinkedIn Stories, WordPress news, and TikTok at home and in China

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The post FIR #199: The Cancel Culture Crisis appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

The September 2020 episode of The Hobson and Holtz Report features Neville and Shel discussing…

The new crisis PR: What companies should do when they’re “cancelled”
Twitter’s plans to motivate users to “read before you retweet”
How COVID-19 has changed the way we write content (and engage with video and social media)
The arrival of the NHS contact-tracing app gives a big boost to QR codes
Your company’s history could pose a risk for your reputation
LinkedIn is making changes
Dan York reports on Amazon podcasts, LinkedIn Stories, WordPress news, and TikTok at home and in China

We are hosting an FIR Communicators Coffee Break on Zoom each Thursday during the stay-at-home period at 1 p.m. ET. For credentials, contact Shel or Neville directly or request the credentials in our Facebook group or send an email to [email protected]. Spread the word to your communications community.

Special thanks to Jay Moonah for the opening and closing music.

You can find the stories from which Shel’s FIR content is selected at Shel’s Link Blog.

Links from This Month’s Episode

The new crisis PR: what should brands do when they’re ‘canceled’?
Cancel Culture Is Real — Here’s What Brands Need to Know About It
Twitter plans to bring prompts to ‘read before you retweet’ to all users
Twitter tweets about its retweet prompt
How COVID-19 changed the way we write content
Engagement with Video and Social Content Soars During Pandemic
Arrival of NHS contact-tracing app heralds return of QR codes
UK government site for creating a coronavirus QR code poster
UK government contact tracing app FAQ
Your Company’s History Can Make It More Valuable—Or More Vulnerable
Major Changes To LinkedIn You Need To Know About
LinkedIn Launches Updated Look, Makes LinkedIn Stories Available to All
LinkedIn Introduces Stories and a Redesign to Create a Friendlier Platform

Links from Dan York’s Report

Amazon Podcasts
All you need to know: podcasts in Amazon Music
LinkedIn Launches Stories Plus Zoom, Bluejeans, and Team Video Integrations as Part of a Wider Redesign
WordPress: Remove Facebook and Instagram as an oEmbed Source
oEmbed Plus (from WordPress)
On not choosing WordPress for the W3C redesign project
W3C is Prioritizing Accessibility Over Its Open-Source Licensing Preferences: Why is That a Bad Thing Again?
Douyin, China’s TikTok, grows monthly active users to 600 million
Internet Way of Networking (as it relates to the TikTok ban)

The post FIR #199: The Cancel Culture Crisis appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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