This week we continue our look at the themes of prophecy in Claudia Gray's Master & Apprentice, centring on the character of Qui-Gon Jinn. Master Qui-Gon believed that faith in the Force and the mission of the Jedi had to be grounded in a grasp of the real world: how people really live, what they care about, how they struggle. He longed for the Jedi, and for individual Jedi, to be more realistic about the galaxy they lived in and their own limits. Only then could they embody a contemplative presence that would enable them to truly guard peace and justice in the galaxy. I look at some ways that Qui-Gon pursued this in his own life, and ways that the Church is called to pursue this in our world today.

I also give some shoutouts to ForceFest--where I encountered Podcast of the Whills and the Faithful Fangirl Podcast, as well as the amazing wildness that was DragonCon goes Virtual. I give a tribute to Chadwick Bozeman and his own prophetic film before going into my main topic.

I hope you're inspired to be a contemplative presence in your community as well.

Thanks for listening, and MTFBWY.

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