I'm back! And just in time for Fan Expo Canada 2019. I return to the exact same spot I recorded last year's Fan Expo preview, and talk about what I'm looking forward to this year.

But first I go into the renewed and expanded vision for this podcast. Now that I'm on Anchor, I don't need to worry about sticking to the (very beneficial) community requirements from Podiant, so I can open this up to discussing various franchises and fandoms, engaging them theologically and otherwise intellectually. But the title remains, the intro (for now) remains, because the bleeding heart of this podcast will always be the story of Anakin and the Jedi as told in the Prequel Trilogy, and its resonances with Christian tradition.

So I hope you join me for the ride, and enjoy this 2019 Fan Expo Canada preview.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

(Episode art is available here: https://www.fanexpocanada.com/en/fxc25.html)

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