In today’s episode of For A While, we start off talking about the recently trending hilarious Aunt Julie, a character by Macoy Dubs, before chatting about self doubt and negative self talk. We then discuss the benefits of a life coach, breakthroughs, habit building and how journaling can be a great tool to help process your thoughts.

We end the episode on things we can do to help process experiences, particularly during a pandemic, including:

Acknowledge these are ‘abnormal’ times

It is 100% normal to not feel completely okay

Recognise that even when there isn’t a pandemic, change is uncomfortable

Be kind to yourself

Figure out a way to make everyday tasks a little simpler, a little more enjoyable for you

What are your needs/essentials on a daily/weekly basis to feel good?

Get a little bit of sunshine and fresh air regularly

Prioritise your sleep

We’ve put together a free resource for journaling. If you’d like to start writing but don’t know where to start, this is for you. Included in the resource are prompts, tips and examples to help you use journaling as a tool to process your thoughts.

P.S. We recorded this podcast just right after Aunt Julie said she'll be taking a break. We're glad she's back to her old Aunt Julie self! 


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