Heaven by Randy Alcorn

(1:04) What does practicing a “Sabbath” look like for various life stages?

(4:15) What’s the biggest thing you learned as a pastor, or becoming a new pastor?

(6:15) Thoughts on Christians having a close friend group of non-believers?

(9:22) Where is Heaven? Is it ready for us?

(13:57) Where is God? “Our father who art in Heaven”

(15:56) Cremation vs burial, where in the Bible is the answer?

(20:27) Do you think our tattoos will be resurrected with us?

(21:58) Where does soteriology fall with you in terms of order of issues?

(25:20) Are the elect of the New Testament the same as “chosen” Israel of the Old Testament?

(28:30) Does CRT (Critical Race Theory) have a place in the church?

(33:05) What are you excited for as we move from Covid-19?