Previous Episode: Nonsense – Week 6
Next Episode: Get Up and Go – Week 2

Icebreaker:  Are you a “get up and goer?” What does it take to motivate you to get up and go? Going deeper Pastor Harv kicked off our new series by reminding us that God created us to be in relationships. It is not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18). Covid enabled people to […]


Are you a “get up and goer?”
What does it take to motivate you to get up and go?

Going deeper

Pastor Harv kicked off our new series by reminding us that God created us to be in relationships. It is not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18). Covid enabled people to hide in their homes for the past 18 months, but God has called his people to GO. It’s one of the last things he said (Matthew 28:19-20). Harv encouraged us to go out and invest in relationships.

Why is it bad for man to be alone?

What happens when man is left alone?

How do relationships help us?
Why are people fearful of relationships?
How can we model relationships to be positive like God intended and not negative like we tend to make them?

Pastor Harv had two processes to help us pursue biblical relationship (intimacy). The first process starts with our relationship with God, and this sets the foundations for all our relationships. Harv listed four things as key elements for being intimate with God: humility, respect, faith, and an identity as a child of God.

What is biblical humility, and why is it important for intimacy with God? (James 4:6,10)
What is biblical respect, and why is it important for intimacy with God? (Psalm 25:14)
What is biblical faith, and why is it important for intimacy with God? (Proverbs 3:5-8)
What does is mean to identify as a child of God, and why does this affect or intimacy with God? (John 1:12)

Once we have a biblical view of ourselves and our primary relationship with God, we can have the strength and understanding to invest in others in a biblical way that lasts. If our relationship with God is off, then our broken and sinful nature rears its head in all of our relationships, causing strife and selfishness. Harv outlined four more biblical principles to pursue in relationships with other people: vulnerability, respect, trust, and oneness.

What is biblical vulnerability, and why is it important for intimacy with people? (Philippians 2:3-5)
What is biblical respect, and why is it important for intimacy with people? (Philippians 2:3-5)
What is biblical trust, and why is it important for intimacy with people? (Proverbs 26:28)
What is biblical oneness, and why is it important for intimacy with people? (Genesis 2:24,25)

Pastor Harv encouraged us to pursue intimacy with God and people. It is one of God’s great calls for our life; we need relationship and were designed for it. Without it, we will live in fear and selfishness.


Are you willing to pursue biblical relationships? (Or will you continue to pursue relationships your own way)

What will the results be?

Pray that God would prepare your heart and mind to be relationally intimate with Him and the people He places in your life.