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A study of the book of James Icebreaker Are you a doer or a thinker? Are you more likely to act without thinking or think without acting? Going deeper In light of this week’s sermon, what was new information, challenged, or stood out to you? Read James 1: 19-25  Describe “active listening.” Would you describe […]

A study of the book of James


Are you a doer or a thinker? Are you more likely to act without thinking or think without acting?

Going deeper

In light of this week’s sermon, what was new information, challenged, or stood out to you?

Read James 1: 19-25 

Describe “active listening.”

Would you describe yourself as a “good listener”?
Why/why not?

How/Why does active listening help us to be slow to anger?
Why does anger disrupt the work of righteousness in our lives?
What characterizes true faith?

Action or belief? Why?

How is pure righteousness attained?

Read James 2:14-26

What kind of faith is James criticizing?
What kind of faith is James commending?
From what you know about Abraham and Rahab, how do these heroes of the faith prove James’ point?
Rahab could be considered righteous, what kind of hope does that give to the Christian who knows he is not perfect?
How is Paul’s argument in Romans 3:28 different from James’ point in 2:24?


When did you get serious about applying God’s Word to your life?
What are your pet peeves? What really annoys you or makes you angry?
Where is your faith stretching you right now?


How can your group hold you accountable regarding your answers to the reflection questions?
Complete Step 2 of the Spiritual Growth Plan