Welcome to Day 5 of the Limitless Growth Challenge! Today is all about Your Network = Your Net Worth. Have you ever stopped and wondered how your environment is affecting your growth? As a female entrepreneur, there is a lot that’s expected of you. Greatness, to put it mildly.

Thus, when it comes to relationships and network, you have to be careful and proactive – so you can expand your reach, surround yourself with fellow high-achievers, and make more happen in less time by connecting and collaborating.

With day 5, we will go into how your environment shapes you into the person you are, and a story that you may get a kick out of (it would literally change the way you think about your network). You become who you surround yourself with. So choose wisely.

When it comes to business, you want to stay close to people who are as invested in your business as you are.

And that’s exactly why I created LAUNCHED IN 90; a transformative experience for women entrepreneurs ready to take their life and business to the next level.

Launched in 90 is one of my most IN-DEMAND programs, and lucky you! The doors are now open for a limited time. 

Imagine being among people who are all working towards up-leveling their quality of life, business and impact in the world by selling digital products (enough with 1:1 work already!). They’re shifting from struggling entrepreneurs to REAL business owners.

A place where insecurities are replaced by unshakable confidence, and massive focused action swaps inaction (with a proven, step-by-step, implementable SYSTEM).

PLUS!!! I’ve got some really cool fast-acting bonuses lined up for you. But hurry! I’m offering these bonuses on First Come, First Serve basis, and they will disappear soon. Get all the details at, shesbuildingherempire.com/launchedin90