I am so excited to bring you this episode because we are talking about generating consistent revenue. The key word here is consistent and that word is everything. Consistency is what will change your business and your life. How bad do you really want the life you say you want? Well your consistency will tell us all we need to know.

Today we are going to talk about how long it should really take to generate consistent revenue in your online business.

At minute 4:20 hear how to get out of your own way and stop self-sabotaging. At 9:02 you will learn the #1 mistake people make when launching their online business. At minute 11:13, hear why you need to get started now and not wait any longer! At 21:04, you will learn the one thing I did that changed EVERYTHING!

I want to continue this conversation over in the She’s Building Her Empire Facebook group. If you are not in there yet there, join my FREE Facebook group right here: www.shesbuildingherempire.club

Get in there introduce yourself and feel free to share a big takeaway from today’s episode!