Thank you for joining us! This episode is all about how to find the deeper purpose living beneath our work with transformational branding strategist Amber Lilyestrom. Amber's work empowers women to position themselves as sought-after experts and thought leaders in their niche through social media, engagement marketing and the creation of an online brand presence. She’s worked with thousands of women in building mission driven businesses making a huge impact.

“It was an opportunity to get really honest about where I was in my life…” At minute 2:36 Amber talks about living behind our work and living that why and her story of becoming more than a mom, the one taking it all on and her journey on how she became an entrepreneur after wanting to be one for a really long time. Amber shares what her life looked like at the time of her first launch.

“It's not going to be perfect…” At 5:26 Stacy and Amber talk about as you're starting to take on all of these things and some things you may love some things you might not love and how do we keep pushing through when we maybe think, I'm doing this but it's not my purpose. Amber shares how she knows when it is time to shift focus and stepping away from certain things to move on to bigger and better things. It’s about being observant paying attention and figuring out where you need to head next.

“Do I know what my deeper purpose is?...” At minute 8:40 Amber goes into her suggestions if someone is already in a successful business but struggling to know what their deeper purpose is and how to figure that out. Figuring out what feels good and authentic to you and how there is so much information contained in your preferences and your reactions.

“When we have the courage to make a leap…” At 11:47 Amber talks about how focusing on her husband leaving his police career pushed her to work harder to give him a space to really live and to think differently. This includes how this transition changed their lives and her business and the shifts that had to happen for her to believe she could truly do it.

“I was lost and frustrated and confused at times…” At minute 18:12 Stacy and Amber talk about how her business has evolved over four years, what it looks like now and her biggest struggles. Amber gets into how her business now is very much focused around the the deep purpose and clarity connecting into who you really are and how to separate yourself and create a brand that not only serves as the platform for you to do your sacred work in the world but also for a portal for your own healing and evolution.

Want to learn more information about Stacy's upcoming LIVE event? Get the opportunity to meet Stacy and interact with tons of like-minded female entrepreneurs during She's Building Her Empire LIVE!  This special event will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in April. Don't miss this! This is not just an event, but a life-changing experience! Learn more

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