Stacy Tuschl is a speaker, business coach, and the owner of The Academy of Performing Arts in Wisconsin. She is the author of the book “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success.

Welcome back to the Launched in 90 Challenge! Today is Day 4 of our 5 Day Challenge, and we are going to be chatting it up on Facebook Live about actually launching your product. Thanks to our diverse digital media outlets, putting your product out there is easier than ever before. That doesn’t mean that product launches won’t take your time, your focus, and a little investment. I’m going to share my best tools for product launches, as well as give you all the info on my own products and services coming to you soon!

 Stay tuned for the Product Mastermind Opening at the conclusion of our 5 Day Challenge. For now, I’ll be over on Facebook Live answering questions and generating value for you, so that you have all the tools you need to launch your product. Join the conversation, get excited, and get ready to share your product with the world.

 Show highlights:

Get excited to launch your product. Do expensive products lead to high customer commitment? 4 Strategies you can use to launch your product. I dig into all your questions about Challenge Weeks, Webinars, and Video Series. Being strategic with Facebook Live. Turning your local business into an online business. Launch to help you get authority and build your audience. What do invest in your product launch? Defining the “Mastermind.”


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