Stacy Tuschl is a speaker, business coach, and the owner of The Academy of Performing Arts in Wisconsin. She is the author of the book “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success.

Today’s show covers Five Things to make sure you’re not avoiding if you want a business that supports your family. Your business is not just about making an impact and providing an income. We all know that it needs to support your family and life. Let’s jump into our topic together!

Show Highlights:

The Five Things NOT to avoid: The “one to many” business model: Don’t just trade time for dollars. Know that it will probably start with one to one. List building: #1—THE first step in creating the “one to many” business model! How am I growing my list TODAY? The sales funnel: There is no point in list-building if your LEADS don’t lead to something! Systems and automation: This will free up a lot of time, improve your professionalism, and streamline your sales. Adding multiple businesses is only possible with systems, automation, and a good team. For the type-A entrepreneur, there is nothing worse than feeling bored and unmotivated. Get end results, no matter who you’re serving: Your business depends on transformational results for your clients. Focus on your customer and prepare for phenomenal testimonials and case studies.

Ready to launch your own product? Come and join the Launched in 90 challenge. I start 9/11 and it’s new and better than ever. It’s been re-vamped, so even if you joined the last one, you can benefit from this one too! I look forward to seeing what you can launch in the next 90 days!
