Landing in 1860s China, Rory - having spent time there once before - doesn't need the TeleTraveler to realize something is wrong. But it's difficult to figure out what that something is when the two time hoppers become separated and Jacob is taken by a woman with murderous tendencies. And even if Rory can get him back, they still have to find a way to prevent the downfall of the Ten Tigers of Canton. Otherwise, a legendary martial artist will be left fighting a losing battle...   "Ten Tigers" Cast:   Jacob Shattuck ...... DomVoice*   Rory Lenhardt ........ Taylor Carlson   Antagonist .............. Jim Brannen   Wong Fei-Hung ...... Ven Haydn*   Wong Kei-Ying ....... Edward Haynes Jr   Jing-Fei .................. Rachel Phillippe   Chon ...................... Joshua Paquette   Miss Ma ................. Amanda Gilbertson   Hon-Hei ................. Metazoa*   Other voice talents include:   Michelle Deco   Kasey Heimann   Brian Croft   Stuart O'Dwyer   * = Forum username/pseudonym

Landing in 1860s China, Rory - having spent time there once before - doesn't need the TeleTraveler to realize something is wrong. But it's difficult to figure out what that something is when the two time hoppers become separated and Jacob is taken by a woman with murderous tendencies. And even if Rory can get him back, they still have to find a way to prevent the downfall of the Ten Tigers of Canton. Otherwise, a legendary martial artist will be left fighting a losing battle...   "Ten Tigers" Cast:   Jacob Shattuck ...... DomVoice*   Rory Lenhardt ........ Taylor Carlson   Antagonist .............. Jim Brannen   Wong Fei-Hung ...... Ven Haydn*   Wong Kei-Ying ....... Edward Haynes Jr   Jing-Fei .................. Rachel Phillippe   Chon ...................... Joshua Paquette   Miss Ma ................. Amanda Gilbertson   Hon-Hei ................. Metazoa*   Other voice talents include:   Michelle Deco   Kasey Heimann   Brian Croft   Stuart O'Dwyer   * = Forum username/pseudonym